Inventive versus Creativity Inventive versus Creativity Inventive versus Creativity Inventive versus Creativity Inventive versus Creativity Inventive versus Creativity Inventive versus Creativity Inventive versus Creativity Inventive versus Creativity Inventive versus Creativity Inventive versus Creativity Inventive versus Creativity Inventive versus Creativity Inventive versus Creativity Inventive versus Creativity Inventive versus Creativity Inventive versus Creativity Inventive versus Creativity Inventive versus Creativity

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Inventive versus Creativity Inventive versus Creativity Inventive versus Creativity Inventive versus Creativity Inventive versus Creativity Inventive versus Creativity

Inventive is the art of finding.

But – also – the art of questioning reality.

It's the ability to answer when a trouble arise, not only by neutralizing it, but also modifying – to your own future advantage – the conditions that caused it.

On May 9 we had the pleasure and honor to host a lesson / performance by Salvatore Zingale on the issue of Inventive versus Creativitypdf of the presentation – in Italian.


Bartezzaghi, Stefano (2009), L’elmo di Don Chisciotte. Contro la mitologia della creatività, Roma-Bari, Laterza. Boncinelli, Edoardo (2008), Come nascono le idee, Roma-Bari, Laterza.
Bonfantini, Massimo A. (1987), La semiosi e l’abduzione, Milano, Bompiani.
Club Psòmega (1986), La forma dell’inventiva, a cura di M.A. Bonfantini, R. Boeri, M. Ferraresi, Milano, Unicopli.
Club Psòmega (2006), L’inventiva. Psòmega vent’anni dopo, a cura di M.A. Bonfantini, S. Zingale et al., Bergamo, MorettiHonegger.
Eco, Umberto (2004), Combinatoria della creatività, Conferenza tenuta a Firenze per la Nobel Foundation il 15 settembre 2004.
Füssli, Johann F. (1801), L’invenzione, a cura di P. Lischi, Tesserete (CH), Pagine d’Arte, 2004.
Garroni, Emilio (1979), Creatività, Macerata, Quodlibet, 2010.
Johnson, Steven (2010), Dove nascono le grandi idee. Storia naturale dell’innovazione, Milano, Bur, 2011.
Kauffmann, Stuart (2000), Esplorazioni evolutive, Torino, Einaudi, 2005.
Legrenzi, Paolo (2010), Creatività e innovazione, Bologna, il Mulino.
Zingale, Salvatore (2012), Interpretazione e progetto. Semiotica dell’inventiva, Milano, Franco Angeli.

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